Cryptocurrency exchange in Chernivtsi

You send
Cash Ukraine USD
Tether TRC20 USDT
Tether ERC20 USDT
Bitcoin BTC
Ethereum ETH
Litecoin LTC
Monobank UAH
Privat 24 UAH
Visa/MasterCard UAH
Visa/MasterCard USD
Sepa EUR
Wise EUR
Wise USD
Skrill USD
Payoneer USD

Cryptocurrency in Ukraine is received from foreign companies as payment and traded on exchanges. To use virtual money freely, you need to convert it into fiat. Our crypto exchanger in Chernivtsi will help you do this easily and quickly.

With ExchangeMafia, you can exchange cryptocurrencies or deposit money into your wallet in various ways. We work with such popular cryptocurrencies as bitcoin, litecoin, tether, and ethereum.

Important! You do not have to go through a long verification process to create a payment on the website. Our advantage is the simplicity and speed of the transaction, with a minimum number of steps required.

How to buy or sell crypto in Chernivtsi

We offer a large number of currency pairs, so you can use different methods of depositing or withdrawing. To exchange cryptocurrencies in Chernivtsi, it is enough to know the number of your wallet, card, or account that you want to use when paying.

You can make a transaction with us in the following ways:

  • cash. We work with dollars and hryvnias, and you can deposit them to your cryptocurrency account or withdraw them from it. To do this, you need to submit an application and then receive the money or transfer it to the manager during a personal meeting;
  • by card. We accept Visa or Mastercard from any Ukrainian bank, including the popular PrivatBank and Monobank.
  • from an account. You can use a virtual account in one of the payment systems (for example, Wise, SEPA or others). To create a payment, you will need an IBAN.

You can always sell or buy cryptocurrency in Chernivtsi with us at the current exchange rate, which is regularly updated. In the online form for creating a payment, you will see the limits – the maximum and minimum amounts for exchange. You will also find the current exchange rate at the time of the transaction.

How to exchange cryptocurrencies in Chernivtsi

You can make a payment on our website online in a few minutes. All data is transmitted in encrypted form, so the security of transactions is guaranteed. We operate under AML and KYC policies, which you need to agree to before making a payment.

Crypto exchange on our website takes place in a few clicks:

  • choose a currency pair. We have a certain limit for each of them, and reserves are always available;
  • specify the amount. The online form displays the current exchange rate, and the systеm automatically makes the conversion. Thus, you will immediately see how much money will be credited to your wallet, card, or account;
  • enter payment details. This includes your card number, wallet, email address, to which your account in the payment systеm is linked, and IBAN. Log in to your service to see the necessary information;
  • provide personal data. Depending on the currency pair you choose, we only ask for your full name, Telegram account, email address, and phone number. We do not require any other information;
  • make a payment. Make sure that all the data is correct and that you have enough funds on your card or account.

The payment request will be processed within 5-60 minutes. You will see the credit in your service program.

If you need crypto and want to buy it for cash, such a transaction takes place during a personal meeting. First, you submit an application on the website, and then choose the time and place to transfer the money and the wallet number for the deposit. The cashing out, i.e. the sale of crypto, takes place in the same way.

ExchangeMafia is a reliable crypto exchange in Chernivtsi

You can buy cryptocurrency through our service at any time easily and simply. We have no hidden fees or surcharges, and the commissions are low. When creating a payment, you can keep it confidential by simply checking the box “Do not remember the entered data”.

It is convenient to exchange cryptocurrencies in Chernivtsi with us without delay. The main thing is to check the correctness of the payment data and transfer funds only to those you trust. If you have any problems with payments, please contact our support team.

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