Bitcoin exchange BTC to Revolut EUR

Please note:

  • The operation may take from 5 to 60 minutes during business hours.
  • The rate will be fixed after receiving 2 transaction confirmations on the Bitcoin network.
  • Due to difficulties with payments on some cards, the exchange office reserves the right to return Bitcoin to the client in case of unsuccessful payment.
  • Also be aware of the possibility of additional fees charged by your bank.
  • Before creating an application, be sure to read the AML policy and site rules.
Exchange rate: 1 BTC = 94235.9108 EUR

min.: 0.00530583 BTC max.: 0.10611666 BTC


min.: 500 EUR max.: 10000 EUR


Enter the revtag of your revolut account

Enter your IBAN

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Bitcoin exchange BTC to Revolut EUR

Before you start using the service, please read the terms of agreements offered by us. If the conditions suit you, proceed to fill out the application. Our experts have developed a technique that will help you quickly exchange Bitcoin:

  1. Specify Bitcoin data for exchange; the systеm will automatically convert it into euros. You can also enter the amount of euro first if that is what you are targeting.
  2. Indicate your revolut account number, revtag and card number from account and contact information. All information provided to you is securely protected. In addition, you can remain completely anonymous by selecting the “Do not remember entered data” option.
  3. Check the entered data and confirm the application by clicking the “Exchange” button.
  4. Make payment.
  5. Follow the Bitcoin exchange procedure in the “Application Status” section. Completing your request takes from 5 minutes, sometimes up to an hour. If you have any questions or require clarification, please contact support. Our operators will answer all your requests.
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