Draw 100 USDT

Cryptoassets are currently very popular among both investors and beginners who want to make savings. Investing in electronic coins is profitable today, as there are many promising ones that can be used to build a high-quality investment portfolio and develop in the financial sector. By investing in assets that show a good increase in value, you significantly increase your passive income.

And with our convenient cryptocurrency exchange service, you can benefit even more, because we have created a convenient systеm for exchanging and withdrawing funds in just a few clicks.

All operations on our website are absolutely safe and confidential, because our specialists use reliable types of encryption and take care of your protection against fraudulent attacks. And now we also give you money for your transactions! Do you want to know more? Let us tell you the terms of the promotion below.

Terms of the promotion

If you are already familiar with our service and trust Mafia Exchange, it will be very easy to fulfill the conditions. If you are a beginner and want to not only exchange assets or withdraw funds from cryptocurrencies but also try your luck, we will show you how to proceed and help you at every step. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Register on our Mafia Exchange website.
  2. Make at least one exchange per month for at least 500 USDT.
  3. Subscribe to our Instagram page.

That’s it! You can easily take part in the promotion. And what will you get? 100 USDT to your crypto wallet from us. We plan to hold such a draw every month using a randomizer. Each of you has a chance to win 100 crypto dollars easily and quickly.

Take part and let your luck be with you!

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